Monday, December 29, 2008

The Begining

12-29-08, I decided to do this blog to document the maturing of bourbon in a small oak cask. I read a few articles on maturing port in a cask and then found a site about aging whisky in a cask. When it came to whisky, all of the articles where about maturing Scotch or Canadian Whisky. Being a bourbon lover, I figure it is time to expand and give bourbon a shot.

For several years now I have enjoyed drinking Old Charter 12 Year Old Kentucky Bourbon in the backroom of my brother-in-laws restaurant. Hince the name "Backroom Bourbon". Old Charter makes an 8, 10, 12, and 13 year old. Or at least they used to. They are discontinuing the 13 and 12 year old. I have had the 10 year old from time to time and it is okay, but the 8 leaves something to be desired. The plan here is to take the 8 year old and try to get at least the taste of a 10 year old by maturing it in the oak cask.

My brother-in-law got me hooked on Old Charter. Most of the time we drank the 12 year old and from time to time we drank the 10 year old. On special occasions we would get a bottle of the Proprietors Reserve 13 Year Old. Now that was some sweet bourbon. Just like liquid candy. We have ventured out and tried other brands like Eagle Rare, Evan Williams Vintage Single Barrel, and a recent bottle of Makers Mark gifted to me for Christmas. I have to admit that when I go out and the bar does not have at least Old Charter 10 Year Old, I do substitute it with Crown Royal.

Well, I am still waiting on my cask to arrive. Of course I will have to prepare them before I can introduce the bourbon, so it will be some time before the experiment starts. I will have pictures of all the processes as they take place. Stay tuned, it will not be long.

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